Scrobbeling is an invention of - a social network on the internet with a focus on music. Scrobble means that what you’re hearing now appears in your user profile on this page. Through the songs you hear over time, a taste of music crystallizes and you can use this network to find and get to know people with similar musical tastes. And then discover more bands that you might also like. Nemp can scrobble.

Scrobbler configuration

First, you must allow Nemp access to your user profile. To do this, open

the settings dialog and start the configuration. You have to be connected to the


  1. Start the configuration and click on Next. Nemp requests a so-called token from, which is required for authentication in the following process.
  2. Click on Next again. You will then be sent in your browser to the website, where you will need to log in with your account. After registration, you will be redirected to a page showing the Nemp logo. Click on Allow access and switch back to Nemp.
  3. Click on Next again (and directly again). Nemp can now retrieve your username and session key from using the token that you linked to your account by clicking on the allow button on the website. This key is stored in the Nemp configuration file (slightly encrypted) and is required for the Scrobble function. Nemp does not require your password itself.

Scrobbler activation

Check the Scrobble settings under Scrobble this session and click on accept below. If you always want to scrobble, set a checkmark at Scrobble always. If scrobbling is active, an icon will appear in the main window.

What is being scrobbled?

Scrobbling runs in two phases.

  • The Now Playing message. This is set at the start of a new title. In your profile then appears listens to (current title).
  • The submission message. This is sent at the end of a song if at least 50% or 4 minutes of the song have been played. These titles will then appear in the history in your user profile. Titles that are too short (less than 30 seconds) are generally not scrobbled.


Sometimes there is a disruption in the connection to the service. Since Scrobbling is not a key feature of Nemp, the errors are simply ignored without displaying an error message. Nemp then terminates the scrobbling to avoid unnecessarily burdening the service. However, if updating the user profile is very important to you, these error messages can also be displayed in a message window when they occur. Otherwise, they are only displayed in the log area in the settings.

Possible sources of failure are

  • No internet connection
  • A firewall blocks Nemp’s communication with
  • The session key is invalid. Then you have to repeat configuration steps 1.) to 3.)
  • Your account is locked. Contact

If you believe that you have eliminated the cause of the error, you can start a new attempt by clicking on "scrobble again".